Prepackaged Medication

KeenRx offers point-of-care prepackaged medication & dispensing programs to providers.

As part of our dispensing program, we prepackage, label, and distribute in office dispensing ready medications directly to the practice/clinic. KeenRx provides the highest quality, FDA approved prepackaged medication in “unit-of-use” quantities as requested by the physician.

We repackage all of our pharmaceuticals in our VAWD accredited, DEA and FDA approved facility. Every product distributed by KeenRx follows a multi-step quality control process to ensure quality, purity, safety, and traceability. We have multiple production rooms with the ability to package all legend drugs and controlled substances, brand and generic: Schedules 2, 3, 3N, 4 and 5, as well as OTCs, vitamins and nutraceutical products into prepackaged medication ready to dispense.